A new Super 8 short horror film written & directed by Ingrid Jungermann.
Story by Ingrid Jungermann & Emma Larson.
Logline: A womAn who is not a woman, quite, takes a trip with a baby who is not her own.
this project IS by & about queer creatures. It is a labor of love made by a small collective of Brooklyn-based artists who are inspired by the weird, the uncanny, the grotesque.
Shot on a Canon 518 Autozoom with Kodak Tri-X black-and-white reversal stock. Processed with our friends at Negativeland in Queens. Production: June 2024 in Brooklyn & Upstate, NY. Post: New York, NY.
CAST & CREW: Emma Larson as The Woman, Eryc Perez de Tagle as The Mother; Producer Paul Dallas, DP Cailin Yatsko, SFX Amy Boyajian, Editor Ron Dulin, Composer Lilah Larson. Full credits on imdb. More videos, stills, and news to come!